Terms and Conditions

8xlearnings a trademark of DIGITAL SMART CY LIMITED (Herein: “The Company”) trains private traders to trade independently in financial assets, with the aim of creating monthly income as an independent endeavor, or in tandem with other livelihood sources. The Company also serves the goal of advancing, deepening, and widening the professional knowledge of traders and capital market players.

Surfing on the site and usage therein is subordinate to the agreement of the surfer and/or user, to the terms heretofore detailed. The Company reserves for itself the right to update the terms of use periodically in keeping with its exclusive discretion, and without the need to transmit any advance notice, and these conditions are binding from the moment they are published on the site. It will be clarified that the following conditions relate equally to both the individual person and a body of more than one individual, and males and females alike regardless of the expressed party addressed.

If you do not agree to any of the conditions of the terms of use, you are not authorized to use this site any longer. It is hereby clarified that the Company, its managers, employers, and any party acting on its behalf, who function in whatever capacity on the site, do not bear an advisor’s license and/or that of a portfolio manager according to any law, and do not avow to advise any person regarding the worthiness of a security acquisition, the sale of a security holding or investment, along with other financial assets. Therefore, one is best served to not see in any of the information appearing on the site, its notices, forums, figures, and any other material released on the site as a form of recommendation or professional opinion as stated prior, and anyone making any form of decision based on the information appearing on the site is doing so on his sole responsibility.

The user attests that he knows that nothing on the site can serve as an alternative to counsel that takes into consideration the distinct needs and personal requirements of either himself or another, and that trading financial assets may lead to losses. It is possible that the Company, its managers, workers and any other serving on its behalf who function in the site’s capacity, may have a personal interest in any matter arising on the site, and it is possible that they hold a specific financial assets noted on the site, the company’s trading room, email services and any other service provided by the company.

The website and all its services and content are for educational purposes only and users are not allowed to be involved in any real trading. In no event shell the educational activities of the Company be deemed to involve the offer or purchase or sale or the trading in of a “security” with the meaning of the U.S Securities Act of 1933.

The site is for personal usage alone, and one should not employ it for any commercial and/or wholesale need. In general, no payment is charged for site usage, but it may be that parts of the site may be accessible only for-pay.

The website content and intellectual property- the information published on the site, and the respective way in which it has been formulated, are the exclusive property of the Company. Any information and/or material found and/or viewable on the site are exclusive Company possession, whether published by itself or a site user or another third party, though that notwithstanding, do not place responsibility on the Company for the published material, as stated in the clause limiting its responsibility mandate. There is an absolute prohibition to copy, publish, rewrite, or make any other use of any site information without explicit written advance permission from the Company.

The site and the information appearing there are protected by copyright laws of international charters and the copyright laws of other companies.

The Company reserves for itself the exclusive right to make changes to the site at all time, for any reason, without giving any advance notice and without creating any liability or financial obligation from its side.

The user hereby gives his authorization for the Company to exercise computerized supervision of his service usage (including through “cookies” and similar means) and use any of the said information for the sake of monitoring and/or supervision and/or development and/or for the preservation of quality service, its respective level and acceptability and/or for the sake of the fulfillment of the ordinance of any law. Without detracting from anything stated above, the Company is authorized to:

  • Transmit the user details to a third party for the sake of collecting moneys (were they to be owed) by the user to the Company due to services rendered, as long as the third party committed itself to keeping confidential any information relayed to it regarding the user.
  • To transmit the user information to another or other parties in accordance with legal authority.
  • To make use of the user information and other information in the Company’s hands with regard to the user for the purposes of the Company. The user hereby gives the Company his authorization to make use of the user information for the sake of the receipt of updates and/or materials and/or advertising and/or marketing information through the means of his email.

An annulment of one’s agreement will be carried out through a written letter to the Company, and will be effectuated in regard to new publications, whose delivery is yet to be completed. It will be elucidated that the Company will act according to its best ability to protect the user privacy on the site, and employs reasonable means to preserve the aforementioned information. Despite what has been said, the Company will be authorized to reveal information in its relationship with the user according to any said law and/or in connection with legal processes and/or for the sake of protecting the Company and anyone acting on its behalf.

The Company is not responsible in any shape or form for advertising content appearing on the site. The appearance of an ad on the Company site does not attest to the Company’s backing and/or their responsibility and/or their obligation to the content appearing in the advertisement, for the advertised product/service, its quality, veracity and/or precision. An appeal on the site directing one to another website that is not the site (“an external site”), does not attest to the Company being responsible and/or in control of the content and/or in control of the external site activity, and the Company will not bear any responsibilities in matters pertaining to external sites.

Using Forums, Watching Classes, and Limiting Company Responsibility. Site usage is done solely for educational purposes, for expanding general capital market information in general and the usage of the technical analysis methodology in particular. The site also serves as a field for exchanging ideas, making queries, and aiding in becoming acquainted with and using different trading instruments utilized in different countries and different trading methodologies, including courses for technical analysis and other courses, be they recorded and/or written.

The Company does not offer any protection, nor take upon itself any responsibility, nor voice any opinion regarding the accuracy or precision of information, statements, content or details regarding the bodies appearing on the site, and all of the forum messages are under the full responsibility of the transmitter of the message. One may not infer that one publicizing on the site is publicizing his true identity and/or that there is truth in what he has publicized. The user avows that he is aware that any reliance on his part on statements or other information presented on the site is made according to his exclusive discretion and responsibility.

The user knows that in any case, the Company and/or anyone serving on its behalf, will not bear any responsibility regarding the information published on the site and/or any form of damage caused to the user, including computer damage and/or damage to a third party.

The user declares and commits vis a vis the Company that he will use the services in keeping with these user conditions and the precepts of every law, the Company, service providers, information providers, and that he will not use the Company services for the sake of carrying out an act or activity forbidden by law. The user commits to recompensing the Company and/or any party acting on its behalf immediately upon its first request, in light of any forbidden act or neglectfulness, including, but not limited to:

  • the infiltration of materials and/or computer files unlawfully and/or the transmittal of a computer virus to other computers and/or the usage or obstruction of other computers.
  • Any usage that may cause damage or the obstruction and/or the limitation of usage of services on the part of another and/or that may constitute a violation or infraction of the proprietary rights and other rights of others, and/or the delivery of electronic messages to users in a way that elicits complaints from the message recipient, or messages relayed, or in contravention of the accepted code of behavior on the internet.
  • In the wake of any responsibility, claim, damage and/or loss (including legal expenses) deriving as a result of usage, inappropriate usage and/or wrongful usage, obstruction and/or a failure and/or any forbidden activity according to the Computer.

The user avows that he knows that the services rendered to him on the part of the Company, inter alia, by force of company contracts with information providers, and that the services are subjugated to, inter alia, conditions and limitations set (if they have been set) in the said contracts, as long as they do not bear any contradiction respective to these usage terms.

One must entirely avoid investment solicitation and/or solicitation on behalf of any commercial body and investment adviser. The Company reserves its right to change and/or correct and/or edit and/or remove and /or make any other such action in regard to any message and/or part thereof. The user releases the Company from any responsibility regarding the appearance of announcements in forums, or the respective non-appearance of an announcement due to the discretion of the Company, a mishap, and any other cause.

In the event that the user is asked on the part of the Company to relay personal details, the said detail transmission will be exclusively given over to the free will of the user. With that said, the lack of transmission of details can limit the services that the user will receive from the site. It will be clarified that the transmittal of false details constitutes a violation of the law.

The Company reserves for itself the exclusive right to immediately cease the user’s site usage, at any moment, and this is in accordance with its exclusive discretion as to whether or not the user has made inappropriate and/or unreasonable use of the site and/or in contravention of the stipulations of the usage terms.

It will be clarified that communication with the Company for the sake of course registration, which constitute activity that is not part and parcel of the site, is subject to a specific contractual agreement that will be coordinated with the party to the agreement.